Module 4: Data Analytics & Tourism Management

The module emphasizes the significance of digitalization and data analytics for sustainable tourism management, underscoring the role of SMEs in utilizing advanced technologies to address challenges such as over-tourism and environmental impact while advocating for enhanced expertise and coordinated efforts within the tourism sector.

The module introduces the concept of sustainable tourism management through digitalization, emphasizing the role of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in utilizing digital technologies. It highlights the importance of data analytics in understanding tourism patterns and managing sustainable growth, particularly amidst challenges like over-tourism and environmental impact. The discussion expands on the potential of data analytics tools like the Tourism Impact Model and FLOWS in measuring and redirecting tourism flows for better sustainability. Challenges such as data collection in remote areas and the need for enhanced expertise among tourism professionals are also addressed. The module underscores the necessity for coordinated efforts and technological advancements to promote sustainable tourism management globally.

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