Thirty tourism startups to be accelerated by the European program CulturalDeTour

18 Dec 2023

A total of thirty emerging or small-sized cultural tourism companies will benefit from the CulturalDeTour Acceleration (CDTA) program, which will begin in January 2024. The selected companies will have the opportunity to strengthen skills critical to the growth and expansion of their businesses in the sector.

Of the 71 entries received, a total of 30 companies from Spain, Slovenia and Greece will participate in this initiative.  The companies bring diverse approaches and proposals within the field of cultural tourism. From initiatives focused on heritage preservation to innovative proposals in tourism experiences, these companies demonstrate an exceptional commitment to sustainability and innovation.

CDTA is a Creative Europe program in the framework of the CulturalDeTour project, a 6-month initiative that will start in January 2024. The accelerator uses the Earth-Centered Design methodology to drive innovation, sustainability, and business creation in the tourism sector through a design-driven process. The program will provide participants with the skills necessary to thrive in the sustainable cultural tourism industry.


New business models

The program promises to equip participants with the skills needed to thrive in the sustainable cultural tourism industry, with an emphasis on new business models, digitalization, technology, and sustainability through the Earth-Centered Design Methodology.

Participants will be able to benefit from a variety of resources to develop their businesses: four national workshops in the language of each participating country, two transnational workshops for cross-border understanding and collaboration, five hours of one-on-one mentoring on sustainability business modeling, access to industry experts for personalized guidance and advice, thematic courses and webinars from partner organizations, and networking to share best practices.


Selected companies

- The Spanish companies that will participate in the CDTA program are:

- Guía En Lanzarote

- Baukunst Arquitectura y Patrimônio Virtual SLU

- Viu els Ports

- Integra-T Experience

- Visitas Virtuales S.L.

- Zwit Project

- Excapic Experiencias Culturales S.L.

- Sevilla con aluza






- Cluedux

- Soca Bio-Art, S.L.


The Slovenian companies that will participate in the CDTA program are:

- Zavod Ad Pontem

- Hiša vina Andrejc

- Vakog d.o.o.

- Zavod Zeleni Žep – Green pocket Institute

- Bravina d.o.o.

- Domačija Škvor

- Somapro d.o.o.

- Vesela doživetja Tanja Vesel s.p.

- JFDI d.o.o.

- UI Turizem, Uršula Sreš s.p.

- Vesna Merc s.p.


The Greek companies that will participate in the CDTA program are:


- Culture Hunters

- Vedema

- Ecomuseum Zagori


About Cultural DeTour

Creative Europe’s CulturalDeTour project, aims to use design-driven innovation and sustainability integration to drive collaboration and entrepreneurship in the cultural tourism sector, and create a strong cross-sector and transnational innovation network to enhance economic resilience during the recovery phase of COVID-19.

CulturalDeTour is the product of a unique collaboration between three heterogeneous but complementary partners from across the European Union: Envolve Entrepreneurship (Greece), Finnova (Spain) and Arctur (Slovenia).